Precast Elements
We provide precast concrete elements for a wide variety of uses from multistory residential buildings to large commercial facilities and special infrastructure use.
Working in collaboration with the customer from the beginning of a project, we can find a the most cost efficient solutions using the leading tools for project management and 3D modeling. Lujabetoni can also provide a full scale of erection and site services.
Our product range includes
- Columns, both round and square with all dimensions
- Beams, prestressed and reinforced
- Wall panes with wide range of architectural surfaces
- Compact walls
- Hollow core slabs
- Shell slabs
- Massive slabs
- Double T slabs, Luja SuperTT slabs
- Balcony slabs
- Luja Superslab, prestressed slabs with integrated bathroom installations
- Luja elevator shafts
- Luja technical shaft elements with integrated installations: air, water, plumbing, electricity